A New Direction for Hong Kong
Policy Address

A Level Playing Field

32.       One of Hong Kong's advantages is a level playing field for business. This is crucial to sustaining our economic vitality. To maintain a free and competitive business environment, we have reviewed our competition policy. A public consultation exercise on the findings of the review was launched early this year.

33.       While the public generally supports the introduction of a competition law, there are concerns in the business sector that the new law may adversely affect normal business operations, in particular those of small and medium enterprises. To allay their worries, we will announce the details of the proposed legislation for public discussion and scrutiny before introducing the bill. Our target is to introduce the bill in the 2008-09 legislative session.

Strengthening the Management of Government Owned Assets

34.       It is necessary to enhance the efficiency of our management of Government assets acquired through our considerable investments in local infrastructure over the years. I have asked the Financial Secretary to undertake a study to clarify the Government's role, and its level of participation as a shareholder, in the management of its assets operated on commercial principles. Our purpose is to achieve higher returns and better governance.