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Policy Address

Redevelopment of Tai Hang Sai Estate

87. Regarding the redevelopment of Tai Hang Sai Estate that has been discussed for years, the Executive Council has recently given approval for the Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Limited (HKSHCL) and the URA to jointly implement the project, on condition that the HKSHCL will provide proper rehousing arrangements for existing tenants. According to the plan of the HKSHCL and the URA, the redevelopment project can provide over 3 300 units upon completion, more than double the existing number, including 1 300 units to rehouse existing tenants and 2 000 “Starter Homes” units to be provided by the URA.

Increasing the Supply of Transitional Housing

88. To alleviate the hardship faced by families yet to be allocated with PRH units, the current-term Government has adopted a new mindset and decided to introduce transitional housing. The provision of transitional housing requires tripartite collaboration among community organisations, the business sector and the Government. Apart from providing timely and adequate accommodation, the non-government organisations responsible for the preparatory work and running of transitional housing programmes have also introduced measures to promote neighbourhood mutual help and provide employment support, setting a good example of social capital building. The THB has identified sufficient land to provide the targeted 15 000 units as originally pledged and recently some owners of private land have expressed interest in joining such programmes. I now propose to increase the overall supply of transitional housing to 20 000 units in the coming few years by providing 5 000 additional units, and increase the amount of funding under the relevant funding scheme to $11.6 billion. In addition, under the Cash Allowance Trial Scheme, we have disbursed cash allowances to about 30 000 eligible General Applicant households as at the end of August, amounting to about half of the eligible applications received. Subject to passage by the LegCo, the ordinance to implement tenancy control on subdivided units will come into operation in January next year, which will provide reasonable and effective protection to tenants in subdivided units.