2008-09 Policy Address Embracing  New Challenges
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Policy Address

Clean Fuels

96.      Improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are among the Government's top priorities.  As electricity generation is a major source of pollution in Hong Kong, I pay special attention to ways of reducing coal-fired power generation and promoting the wider use of clean fuels while maintaining secure supplies of energy. 

97.     The Memorandum of Understanding signed between the HKSAR Government and the National Energy Administration on 28 August 2008 ensures a long-term and stable supply of nuclear electricity, and the supply of natural gas from three different sources — namely, offshore gas, piped gas, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) to be supplied through an LNG terminal to be built, as a joint venture, on a neighbouring Mainland site.  At present, 28% of electricity generated by power plants in Hong Kong is gas-fired.  To improve air quality and address the challenges posed by global warming, we will actively explore ways to gradually increase the use of clean energy by, for example, increasing the proportion of natural gas for local electricity generation to 50%.  As part of our review of the air quality objectives, we will consult the public on this and other measures to improve air quality.


Last revision date: October 15, 2008