Policy Address

13. PRH is a safety net for grassroots and low-income households to address their housing needs. The provision of PRH is not only a practical and effective way to alleviate poverty, it is also a basis for promoting the upward mobility of families. However, at present, the average waiting time for PRH is as long as 5.4 years. Those on the waiting list have to shoulder a heavy rent burden or to live in a very unpleasant environment for a long period of time. We must respond to this situation in a more vigorous manner, be it expediting PRH development, optimising the use of existing housing resources or introducing more transitional housing.

14. Housing is not just a matter of demand and supply. Very often, it is perceived to be an issue of social justice and allocation of resources. Some may ask whether the Government will make more land available for public housing, allocate limited housing resources to those families most in need, or provide home buyers with more suitable financial arrangements so they do not have to rely on extra mortgages provided by first-hand property developers and hence will have more choices in purchasing a property.