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Enhancing Work in Districts

19. It is essential that public policies are effectively implemented at the district level. To better respond to the demands of the people, the Government will strengthen the role of District Officers (DOs). We will enhance the co-ordination function of District Management Committees to better provide cross-departmental services in districts. I will issue internal guidelines asking all government departments to better complement the work of DOs with a view to raising the capacity to resolve problems, deal with issues concerning people’s livelihood, strengthen community building, and promote community and charity work at the district level.

20. The role of the District Councils will be expanded. The Government will allow each District Council to assume responsibility for the management of some district facilities, such as libraries, community halls, leisure grounds, sports venues and swimming pools. The executive departments will follow the decisions of the District Council in managing such facilities, within the limits of their existing statutory powers and resources available. I have asked the working party under the Home Affairs Bureau and the Constitutional Affairs Bureau to work out an implementation plan for this proposal in the context of the on-going review of the functions and structure of the District Councils. The working party will seek the views of District Council members in making its recommendations. The formal public consultation on the review will commence in the first quarter of next year. We will continue to make available more channels for the public to participate in the management of district affairs.

21. The Heung Yee Kuk is an important statutory, traditional organisation on New Territories affairs. It has preserved its fine traditional values, promoted the well-being of villagers and fostered cohesion in rural communities in the face of rapid modernisation. In seeking to protect the legitimate traditional interests of indigenous villagers, the Kuk must be sensitive to the concerns of the broader population in major townships. The Government cherishes the valuable functions and contributions of the Kuk and will vigorously forge a stronger partnership with it.


2005| Important notices
Last revision date : 12 October 2005