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C. Fostering Harmony in the Community

27. The second theme of my Policy Address is to foster harmony in the community. This requires the concerted efforts of the Government and all sectors of the community. The public generally expects less confrontation and dispute and more harmony among ourselves. Many community organisations are striving to foster a harmonious society. For example, the Women’s Commission has formulated its five-year objective of “Working Together for Social Harmony”. On the basis of joint responsibility, the Government will strive to form partnerships with different organisations and sectors to engender a sense of friendship and mutual support.

28. Like other world cities, Hong Kong is inevitably drawn into the tides of globalisation, which have given rise to various social conflicts. That said, Hong Kong is much more peaceful than other big cities. We do not have any serious ethnic, religious or class conflicts. Our people embody the “Hong Kong spirit” with their “can-do” approach and “never-give-up” attitude. Hong Kong people are compassionate and generous. They display mutual respect and tolerance. The “Good People of Hong Kong” give me full confidence in our efforts to foster harmony in the community.


2005| Important notices
Last revision date : 12 October 2005