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E. Conclusion

99. Madam President, my Policy Address, together with the Policy Agenda released concurrently, are the result of past experience, listening to views from all sectors, candid analysis and careful evaluation by my colleagues and myself. With due effort, we can achieve our goals one by one. I am determined to carry out my work in a sincere and pragmatic way, focusing on results and not making unrealistic promises, and to establish a new approach to governance.

100. I have talked about the expansion of the Executive Council and the Commission on Strategic Development, the reorganisation of the Chief Executive’s Office, the enhancement of district work, the establishment of new offices in the Mainland and overseas, the setting up of a Food Safety, Inspection and Quarantine Department, and implementing CEPA III. They will require the rationalisation of Government manpower resources to meet changed needs. For this purpose we will put our proposals with full justification to create new directorate and other posts to the Finance Committee. At the same time, we will continue to control the size of the civil service establishment. We will reduce it to about 160 000 posts by end-March 2007 through savings and enhanced efficiency, and by adjusting the establishment of different grades based on actual requirements. We are determined to maintain a simple and low tax regime. Our target remains to restore fiscal balance in 2008-2009.

101. Madam President, what I have set out is built on experience. The implementation of initiatives in my Policy Address and Policy Agenda requires the support of this Council and the wider community. A precondition for the Government to deliver on its undertakings in a responsible manner is the support of the community. It is only natural for the community to have different views on different issues. But I have always believed that our people are pragmatic and rational, love Hong Kong, and will know how to safeguard our long-term overall interests.

102. During almost 40 years of public service, I have, together with the people of Hong Kong, experienced many ups and downs. We have grown up with Hong Kong and, collectively with our “Hong Kong spirit”, endured many trials. With their bare hands, Hong Kong people have built a vibrant world city that is caring and just, without compromising its efficiency. Over the past eight years, these same people have, through their perseverance and wisdom, overcome the most serious economic difficulties in half a century. We have finally emerged from rainy weather to embrace sunny days. It is the greatest honour of my life that I am able to deliver this Policy Address as Chief Executive today, to plan and strive for the well-being of the people and to make contributions to Hong Kong and our country. I will not let down our community, nor fail to meet my country’s expectations. I will lead the Government to unite all sectors and implement the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” and the Basic Law fully and faithfully. I will enhance our governance to prove that Hong Kong people are fully capable of running Hong Kong well.

103. We do not under-estimate the difficulties and challenges we face. Globalisation and the rapid rise of neighbouring regions have brought many pressures. Various risks and natural disasters will continue to test us in future. The recent severe earthquake in South Asia has caused heavy tolls and losses. We are all deeply grieved and hope that all those affected will recover from their trauma and rebuild their homes as early as possible. While we bravely meet our challenges ahead, we know that Hong Kong is presented with unprecedented opportunities: our country is making spectacular progress, and the Asia-Pacific region is poised for new growth. The successful launch this morning of Shenzhou VI spacecraft, designed and built by our own country, not only marked yet another important development in our country’s modernisation, but also manifested the Chinese people’s grand ambition. We face excellent prospects. Being in the right place at the right time, we now have the right climate for social harmony and good governance. This is an epochal opportunity for Hong Kong and we must seize it for future generations. Our governance seeks to focus on this crucial moment and take full advantage of the favourable conditions to create an environment that allows Hong Kong people to do their best. I, together with the Principal Officials of the SAR Government and all civil servants, will redouble our efforts to strive in this direction for Hong Kong and our country. We should be tolerant and inclusive. We should have fewer arguments to avoid missing good opportunities through idleness and indecision. With all sincerity I hope and urge everyone to unite and focus on seizing every chance to build a better tomorrow for Hong Kong. And to perform new miracles for this blessed land.


2005| Important notices
Last revision date : 12 October 2005