Policy Address 2001

Supporting the Family

110. First of all, family services. Our society has always recognised the importance of the family. Harmonious families are a source of comfort and care for individuals; nothing can fully replace this relationship. However, in a rapidly changing society, families are coming under greater pressure. Nowadays, many young people at risk come from families experiencing problems. The Government spends $1.7 billion annually to provide family welfare services, which include family casework, family education and various support services. We are also actively working in a number of areas, the most important of which is to reorganise our existing Family Service Centres into Integrated Family Service Centres. These new centres will strive to provide services for different needs. Each reorganised centre will include a resource unit providing general services, a support unit to serve families at risk, and a counselling unit to counsel and support families in crisis. The new structure will not only enhance service quality, but will also facilitate early identification of problems so that timely assistance can be provided.

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