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Policy Address

VIII. Combat the Epidemic Together, Tell Good Stories of Hong Kong and Scale New Heights

Combat the Epidemic Together

137. The COVID-19 epidemic has raged for nearly three years. Its impact on Hong Kong as a highly open economy is particularly evident. The Government's anti-epidemic policies are clear and have been taken forward in an orderly manner, with the aim of creating the greatest room for people's livelihood and economic activities.

138. Upon assuming office, the current-term Government promptly formulated five anti-epidemic principles:

  1. not to "lie flat", but to contain the number of confirmed cases and prevent the healthcare system from overloading;

  2. to reduce critical cases and deaths;

  3. to protect high-risk groups, including the elderly, children and patients with chronic illnesses;

  4. to classify people into different risk levels for proper control in a scientific and precise manner; and

  5. to strike a balance between epidemic risks and economic needs.

139. I have mentioned on many occasions that we should avoid "backtracking" along our path of combating the epidemic. Our guiding principle is to achieve the greatest impact with the lowest cost. Provided that the epidemic is under control, the Government will continue to move forward with adjustment and enhancement to anti-epidemic measures in the light of the actual situation and development. This is to ensure that things will be taken forward in an orderly and measured manner.